Jaskinie - The Caves, issue 18

Jaskinie - The Caves, issue 19 (2/2000)


Divers in Cotelul Dobrostilor photo: W. Bolek

Three years with Feichtnerschacht and its discoverer or a reward after years - Agnieszka Gajewska

The author summarises three years of Polish exploration in the Feitchnerschaft (Kitzeinhorn massif, Hoche Tauren). The cave carved in metamorphic shists was discovered and explored down to -520 m by an Austrian caver Richard Feichtner. In March 1998, a Polish team reached the terminal sump at -630 m. Small but interesting caves were discovered above the Feichtnerschaht entrance in summer 1998; small extensions were found in Feichtnerschaht in March 1999.
In March 2000, a team of 9 cavers led by Andrzej Ciszewski has dug through a gallery at -470 m, Finding large and spacious series rich in speleothems behind it. As a result, the cave was deepened to -698 m and extended
by I 400 m. Richard Feichtner assisted Polish cavers during alt trips. He was honored by naming a large gallery
in the new series the Galeria Króla Ryszarda (King Richard Gallery).

More about exploration of Feichtner Schaschthohle read here


Section of Feichtner Schachthöhle (click for bigger version)

Searching for the entrance, photo: A. Gajewska
Near bivouac, photo: J. Nowak

Divers in Cotelul Dobrostilor photo: W. BolekPicos '99 - Marek Jędrzejczak

An expedition of Speleoklub Wroclaw, led by Marek Jedrzejczak, has worked in Picos de Europa in August 1999. Eight cavers took part, and seven others supported them for part of the time. The main result was a series of dying tests. The results have shown that waters from Sistemo del Jou de la Canal Parda, Pozu del Porru la Capilla and Sistema Conjuarto are draining to the Rio Redemuna, possibly also to the Rio Casano (see Fig).
The expedition explored also the caves A-II , A-4, A-I6, A-I7, and A-22, without great success.






In the land of sinkholes - Marcin Furtak

lMarcin Furtak describes a trip of eight cavers from Zagan and Gorzów to the Velebit massif in Croatia. The cavers descended to the Patkov Gust - the world's second deepest shaft (-553 m). The shaft is very dangerous for the falling masses of ice and snow, as well as waterfalls.

In Koralowa Cave
Entrance to Patkov Gust, photo: R. Wójcik
Section of Patkov Gust, click for bigger one

Section of Gadajacych Kamieni CaveExpedition Canin - winter 2000 or the tenth episode - Marek Kozioł

Another expedition, led by Marek Kozioł worked in the Complesso del Foran del Muss (Canin Massif, Julian Alps, Italy). The main achievement was finding of a bypass of the "final" sump in Abisso Carlo Seppenhofer and deepening of the cave by 37 m. The expedition worked in very difficult winter conditions and at the end, because of great snowfall, had to evacuate by helicopter.


Surface of Canin, photo M. Kozioł



In Complesso del Foran del Muss photo M. Kozioł


Goll 99 - Peter Magdolen, Peter Holúbek

The Sucha Dziura and Mokra Dziura, situated in the Javorova Valley in the Slovak High Tatras, are among the earliest described caves in the Tatra. Slovak cavers have recently done new surveys of both caves. As a result, the Sucha Dziura grew in total length from 400 m to 1087 m. Moreover, the ancient water circulation system in both caves has been restored. Now the works continue, aiming at communication of the two caves.

In Koralowa Cave
In Sucha Dziura (Dry Hole), photo: P. Holúbek
Map of area (click for bigger)

In Goll caves, photo: P. Krzyszkowski
In Feichner Schahcthöhle, photo: J. Nowak
Entrance to Sucha Dziura (Dry Hole), photo: P. Holúbek

Jacek Dulęba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradziński, Piotr Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Krakow, Poland e-mail: szelerewicz@ceti.pl
Internet edition:
e-mail: dbart@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl WWW: panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart

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Last change 2001.03.09