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The Polish team, ph. Tomasz Bartu¶

ca -230 m. The cave was considered unpromising for further exploration.
Surface prospecting was done in zone G and near Jou de la Canal Parda, Jou de Arenizas and Jorcada Blanca. Despite searching many earlier known and newly discovered entrances, no significant depths were achieved.
The area of prospecting was extended in 1998. In zone G, caves discovered in the 70ties by SCOF on the slopes of the La Asunciana were explored. G-1 (-190) was communicated with the small G-6 and possibly with Red de los Barrastrosas (G-7/G-4/G-5; - 315 m). The higher lying entrance G-1 raised the total depth of the system to 322 m. Exploration in the Red de los Barrastrosas did not bring remarkable results.
Zone A also revisited was. Little progress was made in the exploration in Pozu del Porru la Capilla (A-11; -863 m) in a series at ca -250 m and in caves on the NW slopes of the Torre de los Traviesos. Exploration was also attempted in Pozu de los Garapozales (A-3), explored by SCOF probably to ca -60 m. The depth of 432 m was reached at the bottom of a nearly 100 m deep shaft choked with fallen rocks.
Dye-tracing was the main activity in 1999. The aim was to study the drainage of Sistema del Jou de la Canal Parda (A-30/A-25/A-24/A-1; -903 m, that is 1312 m above sea level), Pozu del Porru de la Capilla (A-11; -863 m, that is 1285 m a.s.l.), Sistema Conjuarto (1/6, 2/6; -658, that is 1341 m a.s.l.; in the zone of the Oxford University Cave Club) and Sistema del Canalon de los Desvios (F-18/F-17/F-15; -542 that is 1312 m a.s.l.). The final, drowned series of these caves lie beneath the cirque Joon de los Desvios, where waters drained by these systems may join and be drained farther. Pozu del Porru la Capilla (A-11; -863 m) was selected for the experiment. The outflow was expected in the Río Junjumia, Río Redemuna and Río Casano. The positive result was obtained only in the Río Redemuna.
After the dying, exploration was attempted in Pozu del Porru la Capilla (A-11; -863 m). The entrance at altitude 2148 m was discovered by an expedition of Speleoklub Gliwice (SG) in 1984. Exploration was then ended by a tragedy at ca -180 m. Two years later the cave was explored to ca -400 m by an expedition of Sekcja Taternictwa Jaskiniowego Czêstochowa (STJC). The final lake at - 863 m was reached in 1987 and the cave has been not explored. One of the most interesting places in this cave was the final lake. However, attempts at exploration proved unsuccessful. Similarly ended exploration of other high-lying entrances in zone A.
Dye tracing was done also in 2000, this time in zone G. The only, though not a good one, object for dying was G-13, 429 m deep (ca 250 m above the expected base of erosion at Gueros de Junjumia). The Río Junjumia, Río Redemuna and Río Beyera were selected for observation. The appearance of the tracer, however, has been not confirmed in any of the streams. Despite the earlier negative opinion, an exploration reconnaissance was attempted in the final chamber of G-13 already during the preparation for dying. After the dying, further action was undertaken, though at no avail. A few alternative entries were found into the boulder chock at the bottom of the chamber, but none of them was pushed for more than twenty metres. Possibilities above the chamber were also tried with a negative result. This cave, unfortunately, has to be considered as lacking prospects for exploration.

Near the entrence to A16 From left: Katarzyna Krawczyk, Urszula Topolska, Zbyszek Grzela, 1999 , ph. Zbigniew Grzela

A renewed attempt at exploration was made in Pozu del Porru de los Garapozales (A-3; -432 m). The exploration goal in this cave was to bypass the final hundred-metres shaft. After a traverse above the shaft a possibility of descent appeared. However, despite of using long HSA anchors, we could not rig for a safe descent. Because of the high risk, exploration was abandoned.
In zone F, exploration was made in Sima de los Desvios (F-3; -323 m). The main goal was to resurvey it and make an exploration reconnaissance. For the lack of any leads, no exploration was undertaken. Exploration behind a nearby entrance (F-3B) resulted in communication with the main series at ca -70 m.
Reconnaissance was continued in Red de los Barrastrosas (G-1/G-7/G-6/G-4/G-5; -322 m). The most interesting problem for all parties exploring in this complex system was Wielki Meander (Big Meander) in the final series, at - 315 m, with exceptionally strong draught. After getting to the bottom through entrance G-5, an attempt was done at exploration. Unfortunately, the problem lost its importance as the strong draught disappeared. It may be supposed that it was the great mass of ice in the higher Sala Lodowa (Ice Room) which caused the draught. When the ice melted out, there was no more cold, heavy air to be pushed into the lower series.
The last four years of Speleoclub Wroc³aw's activity may be considered successful, despite the lack of spectacular achievements.

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