Expedition Hoher Göll'95

Expedition organized by Sekcja Grotolazow Klubu Wysokogorskiego from Wroclaw. 05.08.95 - 01.09.95
Camp was situated in lapiaz in lower part of wild Grutered cauldron at ca 1580m over sea level.
Main aim was continuation of exploration in Koboldschacht, cave famous of very narrow meanders; also ridgewalking in three areas:
- nearby the entrance of Koboldschacht,
- nearby Schonbachkopf peak,
- in Barenstuhl cauldron.
Beautiful weather at the begining of our stay in Hoher Göll quickly became a nasty one. Intensive rains, cold winter, foggs and even snowfalls made ridgewalking difficult. Raise of water level made exploration unfinished.
But during expedition:

EPIMENIDES CAVE PAGE: http://panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart